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Secure the SSH Server

Hello to all the readers!

I have hosted my blog on a VPS by Vultr. I am a tech savy blogger so always interested to get a machine where I can setup my own things. Similar I have done for this blog as well.

I install SSH server so that I can login to the machine and do the setup and manage it. But there is a need to tighten the security of SSH server. Or we can say it is required to harden the SSH server.

In this virtual machine world, a lot of hackers try to bruteforce to ssh by using default ssh port. Therefore, it is a mandate to use a custom port to run SSH on.

Change default SSH port

Edit the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Port <your_port_no>

Also, there is an option in SSH config to disable root user to login to SSH. Let us also disable that since I have setup a local user to login to the machine.

Disable root login to SSH

Again edit the same file /etc/ssh/sshd_config

PermitRootLogin no

By default, the value is “yes” and we have changed it to “no”.