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Monitoring Linux Host with Prometheus

A warm Hello to all the readers! I am back with yet another article. This article is about how to monitor a Linux host with Prometheus. Prometheus provides an exporter called the Node Exporter. This scrapes various metrics from any linux machine. Let’s begin in installing and configuring the node exporter. Installing and Running Prometheus Continue reading “Monitoring Linux Host with Prometheus”

How to Write Recording Rules in Prometheus

A warm Hello to all the readers! You must be trying out Prometheus in your infrastructure. While doing so, you have encountered some rules in Prometheus. Those are called recording rules and alerting rules. Here in this article, we are going to talk about the recording rules. What are Recording Rules? Recording rules are those Continue reading “How to Write Recording Rules in Prometheus”

How to Write Alerting Rules in Prometheus

A warm Hello to all the readers! You must be trying out Prometheus in your infrastructure. While doing so, you have encountered some rules in Prometheus. Those are called recording rules and alerting rules. Here in this article, we are going to talk about the alerting rules. What are Alerting Rules? Alerting rules are those Continue reading “How to Write Alerting Rules in Prometheus”

Monitoring Golang Application with Prometheus

A warm Hello to all the readers! I have posted multiple articles about getting started with Prometheus. It talks about installing, configuring and monitoring system through Prometheus. In this section, we will learn how to instrument our golang code to export interesting metrics to Prometheus. Today’s world is about white box monitoring than old school Continue reading “Monitoring Golang Application with Prometheus”

What is Minikube in Kubernetes?

A warm Hello to all the readers! Minikube is a command line interface tool in Kubernetes stack that creates a VM on your local system and also deploys a minimal single node Kubernetes cluster. Minikube is written in Golang. To confirm about it, we can run following command on Linux/Unix systems. This CLI tool allows Continue reading “What is Minikube in Kubernetes?”

What is Kubectl in Kubernetes?

A warm Hello to all the readers! Today I am going to write about another component of Kubernetes. I was learning what is the role of Kubectl in K8s. Kubectl is another command line interface tool just like Minikube. It is a CLI tool that interacts with Kubernetes cluster via Kubernetes API. It is used Continue reading “What is Kubectl in Kubernetes?”

What is Container Orchestration?

A warm Hello to all the readers! Orchestration is automated configuration, management and coordination of different computer systems, applications and services. Container Orchestration is about managing lifecycle of containers. This is required when the infrastructure is to be scaled up. When there are thousands of systems running along with applications on them, there is a Continue reading “What is Container Orchestration?”

Understand What is Kubernetes

A warm Hello to all the readers! I have been learning Kubernetes and would like to pen down my knowledge. Will begin to explain what exactly is Kubernetes, what’s the purpose. What is Kubernetes? Kubernetes is an open source platform to manage containers. It is a framework to run distributed systems resiliently. It performs following Continue reading “Understand What is Kubernetes”