Hello to all my dear friends!

We have seen certain characters at times in the URL like “%3D” or “%20” or “%26”. Now it is important to know what are these.

Let us understand what are these characters.

A URL is of the form https://thestorywire.com. But at times URL also consists of space or double quote (“) or single quote (‘) or and symbol (&) or equals (=) symbol. Therefore to have proper and safe transfer or data to web server, browser encodes such special characters.

UTF-8 is the common character encoding standard used to encode special characters for a safe electronic transmission. UTF-8 stands for Unicode Transformation Format 8 bit. Almost every webpage on the internet is stored as UTF-8 encoded. It succeeds the ASCII character encoding.

So a URL of the form https://thestorywire.com?param=value is encoded as:


A quick handy command line tool to encode URL on linux is to use jq.

printf %s 'https://thestorywire.com?param=value' | jq -sRr @uri

The colon (:), slash (/), question mark (?), equal to (=) all special characters are encoded.

URL encoding replaces unsafe character with a percent (%) symbol followed by two hexadecimal digits.

Commonly Encoded Characters in URL

CharacterUTF-8 encoded character
blank space%20
Single quote (‘)%27
Double quote (“)%22

Javascript Function to Encode and Decode URL

Apart from the quick command line tool shared above, javascript has functions to encode and decode url.

const url = "https://thestorywire.com?param=value" 
const encodedURI = encodeURIComponent(url) // Outputs https%3A%2F%2Fthestorywire.com%3Fparam%3Dvalue
console.log(encodedURI) // Outputs https%3A%2F%2Fthestorywire.com%3Fparam%3Dvalue
const decodedURI = decodeURIComponent(encodedURI)
console.log(decodedURI) // Outputs https://thestorywire.com?param=value

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