Hello to all my dear friends!
One day I was looking a way to resize image. I created a Slack application. It was asking to upload application icon in square dimension between 512x512px to 2000x2000px.
But the image I had was not of square dimension. Therefore I decided to resize the existing image. I found a quick way to do so using magick
utility (earlier the command was convert
) in Linux.
magick allows to resize image, change image format and other operations like blur, crop, flip, join, etc.
Here is how to resize to exact width and height.
magick slack-app.png -resize '768x768!' slack-app-icon.png
File dimension of original image
file slack-app.png
slack-app.png: PNG image data, 769 x 768, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced
File dimension of resize image
file slack-app-icon.png
slack-app-icon.png: PNG image data, 768 x 768, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced
The correct way to resize to exact “width x height” is to use dimension as “768×768!”. Note the exclamation. Without using it, it resizes the image to the dimension 768×767.