Hello to all my dear friends!

I will talk a little about what is Computer Vision.

What is Computer Vision (CV)?

Computer vision is a technology that trains the computer systems with visual world. It is nothing new and has been since 1950s. Example of computer vision is barcode scanner.

There are two algorithms of computer vision:

  1. Classical – This relies upon software libraries. Example software library that detects face, eyes, nose, etc. It can detect what image is car or what image is a human.
  2. Deep learning – Here system is trained with lots of images. Example images of dogs and cats are labelled and given to system to learn and then later on upon giving an image, it can detect whether it is a dog or a cat.

Benefits of Computer Vision?

  1. Increase in business efficiency
  2. Reduction in workforce
  3. Humans free to do more creative and more meaningful work

Examples of Computer Vision

  1. Barcode scanner
  2. Facial detecting – Camera detecting the face
  3. Facial recognition – Camera identifying who the person is
  4. Google image search
  5. Object detecting in images, example animal in a photo
  6. Car automatically driving itself with the help of cameras
  7. Car speed monitor
  8. and many more…

Tomato Sorting with Computer Vision

In classical human based approach, humans are employed to detect unripe and rotten tomatoes going on a conveyor belt.

Now using computer vision, computer system including a camera can be trained to detect and automatically remove the rotten or unripe tomatoes from conveyor belt.

Advantages include:

  1. Minimized costs, errors
  2. No delays, sick leave
  3. High speed
  4. Humans are free to do more meaningful and creative work

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