Creating Volume in Docker

Hello to all the readers! Any data that is generated inside a container by operations is lost once container is stopped. Therefore in order to persist the data in a container, volumes are created and attached to the container. Now we will run a container created out of getting-started image and mount the volume to…

Creating Docker Image

Hello to all the readers! In this post I will be creating a docker image out of the simple tutorial posted on Docker’s documentation. Let us begin with the steps. Clone the repository Create Dockerfile. Dockerfile is a set of instructions to build the docker image. Next is to build the image. This builds the…

Docker Concepts

Hello to all the readers! I am writing down about my learnings on docker. I have learnt docker in the past and used it but never thought to document my learning. I think it is very good to document our own learning of a subject that helps me and maybe you to understand it in…