Peace and love to all the readers!

What is the ultimate goal of life? I am sure that since you are reading this post, it means that you are also looking to find answer to this beautiful yet a tough question.

I am an ordinary man who was living life just like all others. Completed childhood, schooling, graduation and settled in a job in an IT company. Good part is that I like to work with computer technologies, so it was not like I just entered the IT world in a rat race.

But then somewhere around the year 2021-2022, I started thinking of a purpose in life. I was like what is this life. Why each of us are born on this earth? Each day is the same repetitive series of actions. Waking up in the morning, getting fresh, bathing, exercise or yoga or walking, having breakfast, start with the office work, have lunch, then wrap up the work in evening and relax, spend time with someone, random talks, watching TV or OTT series, reading something, have dinner and finally go back to sleep to start the same routine the next day.

Just to add different spices to this daily routine, we go to different shopping markets, travel to some places, create some hobby and something similar stuff.

But then all of these things raised a big question. What is that ultimate goal for which all of us are repeating the same day with some variety to not feel bored? Some may say that they want to become CEO of the company, some want to open a start-up, some say to trade in stock market, some say I want to become something fancy and there is a long list with small or big wishes of each one.

There are people living at some level. Whether it is financial level, physical health level, emotional level, life security level and so on. It is like a ladder of society. Each person wants to step up this ladder. A person wants to earn more money to have a comfortable life. A person wants to earn more money to live an extravagant lifestyle. A person wants to be healthy and is content with the existing earning. And this script goes on for each person differently.

But then when these wants are fulfilled, we come up with a new list of items. And say that now these are the goals of life. But if we think deeply, then one day we have to die. Death is the ultimate truth in this journey of life. At-least this is what I have understood so far in my life journey. Do not worry I am not coming to a guru or baba line saying “What’s there in life, nothing. We have come empty hands and will go empty hands…” :).

Thinking on the similar lines, I got troubled. Because I have reached a stage in life where I have adequate material possessions to live a comfortable life. I too have few desires. But after suffering from mental and health issues, I will be happy if I get them and will be fine and content even if I don’t get them. It is better than crying all the time and getting frustrated for not getting the things. It should not happen that in order to crave for certain things, I destroy my health and mental peace.

To overcome this trouble, I reached to different people. I talked to my family members, to health practitioners, to psychologists, to astrologers. Read different websites like you, books.

I was rather looking for a materialistic answer. Something to do as per the society’s established norms and cultures.

After a lot of searching, banging head on table, having restless days, the only answer that came up is:

परम आनन्द में रहना ही जीवन का अंतिम लक्ष्य है|

I know this can sound disappointing to you. This also happened with me. Because as we have seen our society, only goals we can imagine is to become rich by wealth, or rich by health or rich by fame or be self-sustainable until death.

But this is the bitter truth 😊. And we have to accept it. Let us also understand what exactly is a bliss state.

What is a Bliss State?

Bliss means the supreme happiness. This is also called being in “Joy”. In hindi, it is said “परम आनंद”.

Life is a swing. When we are achieving what we want, we become happy and go up. But when we are loosing something or unable to achieve, we become sad and go down.

And these ups and downs happen in every human’s life, how popular he/she may be. It is just that we don’t see the downs of others but only the downs of our own self. While we keep seeing ups of others.

By being in bliss means that despite achieving or loosing, we keep in a balanced mood state. Neither too much excitement nor too much disappointment. We have to be in a joy mood whatsoever is happening in life. And keep living life as it comes instead of thinking too much on what next to do.

If you have seen Lord Krishna, then he always keep smiling. So that expression and the emotion has to be there inside forever.

That’s all in describing my experience while finding the ultimate goal of life. Each human is born to reach this goal. So, let us all start practicing this mood.

🔥 ❤️ 🕉️

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